The Baptist Mission
There are many domination who
teach about the faith but they characterized it in different ways. The Church
after the reformation there was in a great misunderstanding. It was not only
confusion in the Church but also in the state, in the economic, education and
in any cultures when the reformation was taken place in the 16th
centuries. Dr. Richard P. Bucher defined in his book that “All the Christians
claim that their teaching was derived from the Bible and yet there are many
differences in understanding and explaining the Bible.” [1]
The reformations became more powerful in the missions, theological education,
worship and evangelism in the entire world. The main points of the most
complicated were in the meaning of the Bible in many churches in the city of Rome.
Apart from that let us talk about the Baptist from where it came from? Who are
the prominent peoples involve in this denomination? And we will see the
distinction of the Baptist church. The following are some few points which
detailed about the Baptist.
The origin of the Baptists:
There are several theories on
the origin of the Baptists defined by several scholars. Among all these, the most
believable theory and most of the Baptist historians hold is that Baptist
originated from the English Separatist (Anglican) movement at the end of the
sixteenth century. In the doctrine and worship, they were more similar with the
Calvinist. In the 16th centuries, Robert Browne spread the ideas of Congregational
in England. He organized the congregational church in Norwich in the year 1581 and
he was cased put into prison. After he was set free from the prison, he refuge
in Middelburg, Netherland. He published a work book called “A Booke Which
Sheweth the Life and Manners of All True Christians.” [2]
In this book he wrote the principles of the Congregational Church government.
In 1587 the Congregationalist
leader like Henry Borrowe, a London lawyer, and John Greenwood a clergyman were
also imprison for holding the meetings in London. While they were imprisoned
the Anglican wrote a certain treaties to set forth the principles of the
congregationalism. These treaties were much spread throughout Holland.
In 1603 the Anglican
and the Puritans addressed James I for the New King. The conference between the
Puritans and the Anglican bishop were held in the presence of the King. But no
change in the concern of the church desire by the Puritans. And in 1602 the
movement of Separatist was very small in the beginning but which they destine
to have been in a great important. John Smyth was a clergyman in the Church of
England at that time. He adopted the principles of separatist and gathered the
congregation in Gainsborough. And John Robinson also the clergyman in the
Church of England at that time, and he also adopted the principles of
separatist. The Baptist started by the congregational church of Gainsborough in
Amsterdam, Holland in 1608. It was a largely made up of the British persons led
by John Smyth sought to set up the group according to the New Testament
pattern. There was an emphasis placed on a personal faith and on the baptism,
which was to be given to individuals who had personally professed faith in
Christ. And in 1611-1612 they established the first permanent church in London.
And Dr. Richard P. Bucher also says that “Robert Browne and John Smyth were
often viewed as fathers of the Baptist church”. [3]
In 1644 was often viewed as
the year of its origin for the Baptist Churches. It was distinctive into two
organizations- the General and the Particular Baptist. In that year the
particular Baptist Churches authored “the London confession.” This
confession stated their faith and rejected the teachings of the Anabaptist and
the General Baptist. But the contrary we found is that “John Smyth had sought
refuge in Amsterdam became familiar with the influenced of Mennonites. Under
his influenced the principles of Baptist has been adopted.”[4]
In the middle of 1611-1612 the first establishment of a Permanent Baptist Church
in England which was going through turmoil of reformation separating from the
Roman Catholic Church.
Though it took several years
to develop the reconstitute hard work of Smyth, and others gave a typical form
not only to a group’s belief and practice, but the various others which come
out from it. “Some associated groups started when the members of the Amsterdam
group went back to Britain and took the name Baptist to identify themselves.
They did it by distinctive approach to the meaning and the mode of Baptism”. [5]
Its development:
In 1631 Roger William came to the land at the port of Boston with his
wife. At that time the congregational church established the state church in
Massachusetts colony. He then became the minister of the Pilgrim church at
Plymouth. At this time he made a good friend name Narragansett Indians. Narragansett
is one of the significant persons of Massachusetts. He learned his friend
language very well so that through him many would influence.
In 1634 he was called to the congregational church at Salem and work for
2 years. And he won many members to his view for the separation of the church
and the state. And in the next year, 1635 he was sentenced to leave the colony
as soon as possible. He left his two sons including his wife and wandering for
a year. According to Kuiper, he says in his book that “Later he purchased a
plot of land following from the mouth of Moshassuck River. Soon then his
followers came to him and gathered together and founded the Providence, which
is called Rhode Island.” [6]
In 1638 the church organized at that place and he was re-baptized by Mr.
Holliman who was a member of the church in Salem. The Baptist congregation
later in the 18th century the Church growth throughout England and was
a wide spread almost all over the state.
In 1775, the Baptists appeared in this mighty West of America. It was at
a period that the most meaningful in the world's history. The storms of confusion
were sweeping over the colonies, spreading calamity and darkness. Nowhere did
the contest rage more fearfully than in Virginia, and nowhere did the opposing
parties put forth mightier efforts. It was the battle of truth, of principle,
of national life, fought not for America alone, but for the world. But the
Methodist revival church took place together with the congregational and the
Baptist Church has profited greatly by the new impulse supplied. “This movement
get a great a numbers of memberships and gained a new life and established many
Churches. They established Sunday school work, circulating the Bible and
religious literature and in various works of Charity.” [7]
The Congregationalist of England was becoming very powerful body. They
have a large number of learned men, well capable of educational institutions,
many societies for denominational work and excellent book. They introduced in
singing hymn version of psalm in their Church services. The Baptist even goes
further than the Congregationalist in rejecting the authority and binding
character of creeds. During the second half of nineteenth century there were
very few preachers in the entire world. In only one respect was a Spurgeon is a
The Baptist mission in India:
In 1812 Rev. Adoniram Judson and his wife Ann Hasseltine Judson with
Rev. Luther Rice were came to India, who were appointed by the American Board
of Commission for Foreigner Mission. They established a mission in India. They
trip (journey) in different part of India without any consult of other, they
examined the New Testament teaching on Baptism. The result they both were
adopted the views of the Baptist. They went to Calcutta in preaching the gospel
and many peoples baptised there. At once their supporter changed their decision
and ceased to support them.
Mr. Rice returned to United State and awaked the people to zeal for the
establishment of the mission in India. He travelled from Boston through the
Middle of Southern State. He addressed the condition of India with more
enthusiasm. The American Board called for the convention, they gather together
and compose of thirty six delegates from the state for the ministry in India on
18th Jan, 1814. They formed a society called “The Baptist
General Convention for Foreigner Mission.” [8]
Dr. Furman was the president, and Dr. Baldwin of Massachusetts was the
secretary of that society or body. In this convention Mr. And Mrs. Judson was
chosen to continue his service in the United State for a reasonable time, in
order to excite the public and to encourage the people to engage in the
missionary; and to assist in this organization. In this convention they
proposed to meet once in three years. The board of this convention was located
in Boston. They train many people for the missionary purposes to send in India.
In 1816 they came to Calcutta but because of the intolerance (narrow minded) by
the govt of Bengal they were driven out of India and went to Burma in Rangoon a
sea port of Burma.
The Baptist denomination in Assam:
The first mission in Assam was opened by
Messrs, Nathan Brown and O. T.
Cutter, in 1836. The first station of
the mission was placed in Sadiya,
400 miles north of Ava, and about 200
miles from Yunnan, on the borders of China.
But at present is on the south
side of the Brahmaputra. Dr. Brown was translated a New testament Bible into
Assamese and the printing-press was established by Mr. Cutter in 1st Jan,
1838. They extended their mission to different places in the
state of Assam. Mr. Bronson undertook to open a
mission amongst the Nagas, in their hills, but on account of the terrible condition
he changed his residence to Nowgong, where he baptized the first Assamese
convert, June 13, 1841. They
established one of the institutions called “Nowgong Orphan
which was a fruitful part of
the mission work.
By this institution many
peoples were converted and trained for usefulness. The school was dispersed after
twelve years, but more native helpers were brought out of this school than from
any other source.
In 1851 the second edition of the New Testament was issued, and revivals
of religion, with large additions to the Churches, followed. In 1857, at the
time of the Indian revolt, much uneasiness was felt; but the terrible passed
and not any missionary was faced in difficulties. “GAROS is one of a
tribal tribe living in Assam state were the first receivers of the Gospel in
1857, is the history of the mission to Assam.” [9] And
in 1867, a Church was formed amongst them, numbering 40 members. The next year
the number increased to 81, and in 1869 to 140. Two Assamese native preachers
and one Garo have visited the United States, and the latter, they had learned
English, spent a year in the “Newton Theological Institution.” In 1886 the
statistics show that those 30 churches, 1,889 members, and 27 native preachers,
with 7 stations and 21 missionaries, male and female. The stations of the Assam
Mission are divided into three Assam, three Naga, and one Garo, amongst which
there are 72 schools and 1,229 pupils. Later year the people of different
tribes gradually and gradually became converted into Christian and throughout
the district of Assam. At present different types of Baptist denomination exist
in the state of Assam. Those denominations are- Nihang Karbi Baptist
Association (NKBA), Evangelical Baptist Convention Church (EBCC), Garo’s
Baptist Church and West Baptist Church (WBC) etc. Their rules and church govern
are also different from the Reformed Church. Among all the denomination, EBCC is only the most
similar with the Reformed Church in doctrine and Confession of faith.
The prominent peoples:
The prominent peoples like
John Smyth and Robert Browne were considered as the Church father of the
Baptist in 16th century. They brought the name of General Baptist
(Arminians). Their teachings were almost often Calvinist. It’s also has a characteristic
of the Church into two parts, the particular and the General Baptist. John
Bunyan who was the author of “the Pilgrim’s Progress” was also apart of
this General Church. And Charles H. Spurgeon was a particular Baptist who was
strong believer of Baptist in England in 1891.
He claims that “the Baptists are the original Christians, and they were existing
before Luther and Calvin were born. The Baptist was existence at the
reformation and they never came from the Church of Rome. And he proudly said
that the Baptist existed from the day of Christ, and our principles.” [10]
After 18th century there was many peoples who continue and involved
the work after these, we don’t know further more.
The distinctive in their teaching:
The doctrine was almost similar with the teaching of Calvin though they
reject the doctrine of election. Their believed in baptism is also very
dissimilar with the Reformed Presbyterian Church. The Reformed Church believed
in child baptism but the Baptist believes in adult baptism. And even in the
response of confession and creeds also not similar. They didn’t use any creeds
in the congregation of the church as the Presbyterian follow. Most of the
Baptists, they even didn’t used or say the confession of faith. They
individually confessed their own faith.
Its contribution prospective and organizations:
All the Baptists believe in the final capability and self-government of
each individual Christian to interpret the Bible for himself. Neither of creeds,
clergy, and confessions council nor any Church organization has the authority
over the conscience of the individual Baptist. This has led to the variety of
theological world wide views and one will find both moderate and conservative
Baptists. Because of their understanding of the full independence of
individuals to interpret scripture for themselves, “Baptists are anti-creedal
and anti-denominational.
refused to force their members to subscribe to creeds or confessions of any
kind. They refer themselves as Associations, Conventions or Conferences”. [11]
The second prospective was
that “the Bible is viewed as the only source and authority for all Christian’s
faith and life. Most of the Baptists believed in verbal inspiration and the
inerrancy of the Bible as do members of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod.” [12]
Following Calvinism, Baptists have tended to be very literalistic and
legalistic in interpreting the Bible. Many of them followed this principle that
whatever is not specifically commanded is sinful. They believed that individual
congregation have a complete and total authority. Their polity is very strong
in congregation and individualistic.
In my conclusion I would like
to say that Christ is the first person who brought the establishment of the
Church for the people of all nations. He is the sovereign authority of the
heaven and earth. But the people of the earth are just to glorify God and enjoy
with him forever. Those reformers knowledge and wisdom are given by God to
think and investigate the way of God grace and love. Their faith in Christ is
equal with what we believed today. The differences causes for those people is
only quoting and taking the similarities which is applicable for the conscience
and belief. They believe in different ways of concerning the activities in the
Church. If there is more educated peoples the more thinking power and policy
extend in a higher level. I didn’t favour that Calvin is the best or John Smyth
is the best nor the others, though they concern their faith and teaching is from
the Bible. If we see according to their mission structure on the organization,
they always teach what they believed. It is a challenging for us of their work
that they established most of the places in all over the world. And it is more
appreciated that they work very hard and in a challengeable way for us today.
[2]. B. K. Kuiper. The Church in History. (Grand Rapids,
Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1966), p-262
[3]. Ibid, p-262
[4]. Ibid, p-263
[5]. S.H. Ford. The Origin of the Baptist. Nashville, 1860 v-9.
[6]. B. K. Kuiper. The Church in History. (Grand Rapids,
Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1966), p-330-331
[7]. Ibid, p-263-265
[8]. Thomas, Armitage. A History of the Baptist. 1887 (Ch-13)
[9]. Thomas, Armitage. A History of the Baptist Church. 1887
[11]. Ibid1
[12]. Ibid2
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